Musica sponsorship
Mécénat Musica is a cultural program by donors for donors created by donors in 2013. Mécénat Musica encourages individuals to make an in perpetuity donation of $25,000 to a cultural organization that is important to them, and encourages philanthropic families to match these individuals’ donations with donations of $250,000.
Caprice Patronage
A contribution of one unit of $25,000 to Mécénat Caprice is used as follows:
$20,000 to Ensemble Caprice
$5,000 to an Extreme Emerging Artist
The net cost to an individual of a $25,000 cash donation after personal tax credits is $6,750 and is due among other credits, to an additional tax credit from Revenue Quebec for one large cultural donation, which can only be claimed by the donor once in his or her lifetime, until December 31, 2022. The net cost to an individual of a $25,000 donation of public company shares (with large non-realized gains) can be as low as $7,521 can be done by the donor multiple times.
Also, a donation of $25,000 allows the admissible cultural organization to apply to the Fondation du Grand Montreal’s (FGM) Mécénat Musica program for matching from participating donor families and for matching grants from le Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and/or Canadian Heritage. This can increase the capital raised for each $25,000 donation to up to between ~ $70,000 and ~ $250,000 – up to 10 to 37 times your after tax cost of $6,750!
This money is deposited into the FGM in perpetuity fund of the admissible cultural organization.
Your donation is a gesture like no other that enhances culture today and for generations to come.
Thank you to our donors – Mécénat Caprice ($25,000)
Sophie Larivière, flutes & Matthias Maute, conductor
Gary Russell, cello & Sandra Hunt, piano
Anonymous (scientist)
Bal Mount & Linda Guignon
Doug Salloum
Anonymous (entrepreneur)
Frances Layden
Denis Boudreault
Susan Read & Michael Kaiser
Claudia Pedroso & Anonymous
Dianne Prytula (British Columbia)
Hélène Le Bel in memory of Suzanne and Bernard Le Bel
Louise Nadeau
Anonymous (retired)
Vivian Lee **
Mario Lachapelle
Dave Martin, trombone
Daniel Brosseau
Anonymous (businessman)
James Anglehart
Mark Schoenhals (British Columbia)
Julien Boudreault
Michael A. Prytula ND (Ontario)
Albert Lemmel & Françoise Bonnin
Richard Petko (Ontario)
Karen Aziz
Anonymous (accountant)
Steven Davis Irène Lafond
François Crépeau & Cecilia Thompson
Monte Swartman **
Jean Trudel
Douglas Hodgson
Rémi Collard & Catherine D. Calderone
Dominique Lachapelle
Lucie Ringuette, violin
Eugène ** & Candide Ringuette
Daniel Brosseau
Bita & Paolo Cattelan
Matthew Zabloski (British Columbia)
Nick Bakish
Suzanne Lavallée-Allard ** & Guy-H. Allard
Jane Stewart Bindra
Anonymous (retired)
Isabelle Peretz in memory of Richard Peretz
Anonymous (teacher)
Peter Letko
Rita Thériault
Mécénat CapriceVoix Ensemble Caprice – Fonds JCF de la Voix à perpétuité
Natalie Cadotte, violin
André Larivière **
Mark Zoccolillo
Dianne Prytula (British Columbia)
Varia (6)
Nancy Durnford
Lorimer François Ringuette & Marie-Pierre Milot-Bourque
Suzanne Asselin
Claude Lebeau
Bonnie Campbell & Gilles Duruflé
Luc Trudel **
Robin Tremblay
Thank you to our $250,000+ donors!
Anonymous family (entrepreneur & teacher)
Anonymous family (business person)
**in memory of
Matthias Maute
514 523-3611